The Reef-fish Fauna of the Northern Patagonian Gulfs, Argentina, South-western Atlantic

David E. Galván*, 1, Leonardo A. Venerus1, Alejo J. Irigoyen1
Centro Nacional Patagónico (CONICET). Boulevard Brown 2825, (U9120ACF) Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina

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© 2009 E. Galván et al.

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Centro Nacional Patagónico (CONICET). Boulevard Brown 2915, (U9120ACF) Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina; Tel: (+54) (2965) 45-1024/0401/1301; Fax: (+54) (2965) 45-1543; E-mail:


A checklist containing 29 species of reef fishes recorded at the gulfs San José and Nuevo in Argentina (~42º– 43ºS) is provided. The reef-fish assemblages of the San José and Nuevo gulfs are a mix of warm-temperate fauna from the South-western Atlantic Province, and cold-temperate species from the South-American Province; however, warm-temperate fishes dominated in both gulfs. The presence of the families Bovichtidae, Eleginopidae, Nototheniidae, Congiopodidae, Sebastidae and Moridae distinguished the Patagonian region from the rest of the Atlantic coast.

Keywords: Reef-fish assemblages, Argentina, warm-temperate, cold-temperate, zoogeography.