Predicting Weight Composition of Fish Diet s: Converting Frequency of Occurrence of Prey to Relative Weight Composition

K. A. Stobberup*, 1, T. Morato2, P. Amorim2, K. Erzini3
1 Fragata Azul Lda., Lisbon, Portugal
2 DOP, Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas, Universidade dos Açores, Horta, Portugal
3 CCMAR, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal

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© 2009 A. Stobberup et al.

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Fragata Azul Lda., Lisbon, Portugal; Tel: +351 211 534 677; E-mail:


Diet compositions expressed in weight are essential to determine the trophic relationships in energetic terms between the compartments within a system. Data from stomachs were compiled from a number of sources (62102 stomachs), covering four broad areas such as the Northwest Atlantic, South Africa, Senegal and the Azores Islands in order to explore the empirical relationships between the frequency of occurrence, which is of limited use in a modelling context, and the preferred index, relative weight composition. These empirical relationships were found to be highly significant.

Keywords: Fish diets, relative weight composition, frequency of occurrence.